Alba Bala
Directora Executiva de la Càtedra UNESCO de Cicle de Vida i Canvi Climàtic | Directora del Master of Science in Sustainability Management d'ESCI-UPF
Doctora en Ciències Ambientals (UAB)
Actualment és la Directora Executiva de la Càtedra UNESCO de Cicle de Vida i Canvi Climàtic d'ESCI-UPF i Directora del Master of Science in Sustainability Managment, ofert conjuntament per UPF-BSM i ESCI-UPF.
Imparteix classes al MSc in Sustainability Managment i al Postgrau de Gestió de la Transició Sostenible i l'Emergència Climàtica ofert per ESCI-UPF.
Anteriorment va treballar com a docent i investigadora en matèria d'EcoDisseny i Anàlisi Ambiental de Productes a l'Escola Superior de Disseny ELISAVA, a l'Escola Superior de Disseny Industrial (ESDI), ia l'Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambiental (ICTA) de la UAB. També ha treballat com a consultora ambiental.
Les seves àrees de recerca són l'Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida (ACV), l'EcoDisseny, la Compra Ambientalment Correcta, i el desenvolupament de metodologies per a la realització i anàlisi completa de sostenibilitat.
És membre de la Xarxa Espanyola d'Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida.
Va ser finalista del Premi Europe Innova, edició 2008, atorgat per la Comissió Europea, DG Empresa i Indústria, i guanyadora del Premi Disseny per al Reciclatge a la categoria de projectes atorgat per la Generalitat de Catalunya el 2000.
Assignatura que imparteix
Environmental Impacts
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
Any human activity has an impact on the environment. Knowing these impacts, and how ecosystems and the natural environment work, is essential to be able to anticipate or mitigate them. The course helps the student to place environmental phenomena in the context of ecosystems and in the natural environment. It provides the basic concepts to understand these phenomena (environment, ecosystem...) and to contextualize environmental impacts (by nature, extent, intensity ...). Likewise, the course will provide information on the physical mechanisms by which different environmental impacts are generated and sufficient information for the student to identify the environmental impacts associated with different types of activities and industrial sectors.
Product and Environment
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
The development of cleaner products and services is becoming more and more a need and a catalyst for companies. In this course the necessary tools will be provided to determine the environmental impact associated with them, as well as ecodesign strategies to improve them. The course provides the necessary information to the student to know and be able to apply different tools for environmental evaluation of products (checklists, MET matrix, MIPS, LCA, etc.). It shows the student the applications of these types of tools, including the ecodesign of products and services. The course provides basic notions about the main ecodesign strategies and how to apply them to the design of new products and services. It provides the student with a critical spirit for the analysis of the products and services available in the market, as well as in the use of one of the LCA software tools more used in the World.
Sustainability Management
The new paradigm of the Circular Economy. Introduction to the lifecycle perspective as a mechanism for assessing the environmental impact of production systems. Ecodesign and green marketing. Integrated waste management. Analysis of integrated social value.
Ability to distinguish, select and apply the main methodologies for assessing and improving the nature and the environmental communication of goods and services. Judging and assessing the internalisation of sustainability in the business world.