Cell Biology

Asignatura del Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics

Información académica




Type of subject: Core


The course covers the organization and function of the cell, the integration of these operations in the physiology of an organism and introduces students in Cell Biology and in the physiological phenomena to understand the interior of the cell and its organization.

Subject of the 2020-2021 teaching plan.

This subject forms part of the Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics, Follow the link for further information..

Lecturer Position

Berta Alsina



PhD in Biology (Universitat de Barcelona)


Berta Alsina was awarded a PhD in Genetics from the Universitat de Barcelona in 1999. She then did a postgraduate degree in the United States, at UCLA, where she carried out research into the role of neurotrophins in axogenesis ‎and synaptogenesis. In 2001 she joined UPF on the Developmental Biology course and to study the development of the inner ear in vertebrates. She has been an assistant professor since 2012 and is involved with several subjects on Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses, as well as heading a research group. Berta Alsina has supervised five PhD theses and over 15 Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Final Projects.

Nerea Montedeoca Vázques


Cell Biology

Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Sciences (UB)
Master in Multidisciplinary Research in Experimental Sciences (UPF-BIST)


In 2019, I graduated in Biomedical Sciences (UB) and stayed at at the Translational Research and at the Neurometabolic diseases laboratories under the supervision of Dr. Viñals and Dr. Verdura, respectively. I also stayed at the GMZ laboratory (AMC, Amsterdam) under the supervision of Dr. Kemp. In 2020, I graduated from the MRES master (UPF-BIST) and since then I have been working at the Morphogenesis and Signaling in Sensory Systems laboratory (DCEXS-UPF) under the supervision of Dr. Alsina.

Marc Pybus Oliveras


Cell Biology

Degree in Biotechnology (UAB)
Master in Bioinformatics (UPF)
PhD in Biomedicine (UPF)


Marc Pybus obtained his PhD in Biomedicine at UPF where he specialized on population genetics, omic data analysis and algorithm development. Then he worked 2 years as computational biologist in the B-Cell Biology Group at IMIM. Currently he is working as Senior Bioinformatician in the Genetic Diagnostic Laboratory of the Fundació Puigvert.

Cinta Pegueroles


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PhD in Genetics (UB)


Maria Cinta Pegueroles has a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology (2006) and a PhD in Genetics (2010) from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). She worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Fundació Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques (FIMIM), the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB), the Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR) and the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), and as a research engineer at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). She is currently an associate lecturer at the Universitat de Barcelona and a course instructor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

She is a biologist specialising in genetics and bioinformatics. Her main research interests are population genomics, evolution and adaptation. Her overall goal is to understand how genomes evolve using large-scale data; in particular, she is interested in understanding the genetic basis of adaptation and deciphering the functionality of long non-coding genes, as well as their role in genome evolution and adaptation. To do so, she uses both an evolutionary perspective that provides information of ancient events and a population perspective that provides information about more recent events.

Eva Brigos Barril


Cell Biology

Bachelor’s Degree in Biology (UB)
Master’s Degree in Biomedicine (UB)
Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences (UPF)
PhD candidate in Biomedicine (UPF-CSIC)


Eva Brigos is currently studying for a PhD in Biomedicine at the Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (UPF-CSIC). Her main research interests focus on the study of human complex diseases, pleiotropy and evolutionary theories of ageing. On her PhD she works with genomic data to study the genetic architecture of complex traits.