Digital Business Models and Strategies

Asignatura del Master in International Digital Marketing

Información académica



Type of subject: Required


Many of the world’s most valuable firms, such as Amazon, are multisided platforms: they make money by facilitating other companies’ interactions or transactions. In this course you will learn how to identify approaches to building multisided platforms, how to select the one that is right for your company and how to make vital decisions on openness, governance and pricing on your platform. In addition, you will master a set of strategic tools that will give you the ability to analyse strategies and business models across time (competitive dynamics), industries (corporate strategy), geographies (international strategy) and institutions (nonmarket strategy).

This subject forms part of the Master in International Digital Marketing, Follow the link for further information..

Lecturer Position

Tomislav Rimac

Coordinator | Director of the MIDM & MIM


PhD in Business Administration and Management (IESE Business School)
MBA (University of Toronto)
BASc in Electrical Engineering and Computing (University of Zagreb)


Tomislav Rimac’s research centres on channelling entrepreneurship to bring about positive social change and sustainable development, with a particular focus on business models, strategies, institutional changes and mechanisms of government linked to entrepreneurship and social and community innovation. He has worked as principal investigator on large-scale multinational research projects funded by the European Commission (SELUSI and SEFORÏS) and worked with the OECD on projects linked to entrepreneurship and social innovation. Before joining academia, he set up a social enterprise in Toronto and held several positions in the Canadian banking sector and international IT and engineering consultancy sector. In his free time he likes to take his dog for a walk through Alt Penedès vineyards and do pilates and yoga.