Mercè Roca

Coordinadora | Directora del MScIB
Doctora en Management (Leeds University Business School, UK)
Màster en Economia i Empresa (UPF)
És coordinadora acadèmica de l’àrea de Màrqueting i Investigació de Mercats a ESCI-UPF i directora del Master of Science in International Business, ofert conjuntament per la Barcelona School of Management i ESCI-UPF. Membre del grup Research in International Studies and Economics d’ESCI-UPF, del Business Analytics Research Group i del Laboratori d’Economia Experimental de la UPF. Imparteix cursos d’anàlisi estadística i investigació de mercats. La seva recerca inclou publicacions referenciades i projectes competitius relacionats amb el tractament de dades vinculades a la presa de decisions econòmiques de consumidors i d’organitzacions, la responsabilitat social corporativa i la internacionalització de l’empresa.
Assignatura que imparteix
Analytic Tools
The course introduces the basic concepts of data analysis and statistics. It provides a review of the main tools used for data description and how to perform basic statistical analysis. The course is self-contained and requires only a minimal mathematical knowledge for data processing and data analysis, which is also reviewed.
Business Trip. International Trade Mission
Master of Science in International Business
Master of Science in International Business
It offers students the opportunity to perform a series of activities during the trip to and experience the implementation of an international business plan in a foreign country.
Visits to international companies and interviews with their managers will be organized so that students learn about the organizational structure and resources characteristic to international business operations.
Grau en Negocis i Màrqueting Internacionals
Grau en Negocis i Màrqueting Internacionals
Inferència estadística. Estimació puntual i per intervals. Contrastos d’hipòtesis, anàlisis de variància i taules de contingència. Model de regressió lineal simple. Principis de mostratge.
Aprendre a inferir propietats de la població (estimar un paràmetre, determinar la veritat o la falsedat d’un enunciat, etc.) a partir de la informació facilitada per un subconjunt o una mostra.
Tipus d'assignatura: Bàsica
Master of Science in International Business
Master of Science in International Business
The internship takes place in organizations that have a collaboration agreement with BSM and ESCI-UPF and has a duration of one trimester. The assigned tasks of the internship are the result of a consensus between the organization that receives the student and the Master’s management team. The objective is that the tasks meet a real need of the firm. An internship coordinator supervises that the assigned tasks are relevant to the Master’s specific competences and objectives.
Marketing Research and Opportunity Analysis
Master of Science in International Business
Master of Science in International Business
- The Marketing Research process.
- Qualitative and quantitative information gathering techniques.
- Sources of information for the analysis of international markets.
- International marketing research: country, industry and motivational reports.
Master Thesis
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
The Master's Thesis (hereinafter MT) constitutes a key output of the learning process of the Master of Science in Sustainability Management (MScSM), as the student delves into a topic of interest and further develops the skills and abilities acquired. The MT is an original project presented in the form of written work that integrates the knowledge, competences, and skills acquired along the MSc. The MT is a 9 ECTS course to be evaluated once the student has completed the master courses. The MT requires a total of 225 hours of individual student time workload. The work can be done in groups of up to 3 members.
Tècniques d'investigació de mercats
Grau en Negocis i Màrqueting Internacionals
Grau en Negocis i Màrqueting Internacionals
Aplicació de tècniques estadístiques al mercat. Mètodes de dependència multivariant. ANOVA, progressió múltiple, anàlisi conjunta, models d'elecció discreta.
Els estudiants seran capaços d'aplicar correctament mètodes multivariants per a variables dependents, analitzar els resultats i presentar un informe adequat de resultats.
Tipus d'assignatura: Optativa