Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Asignatura del Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing

Información académica




Type of subject: Elective


: Developing applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide strategically important tools in processes of innovation, efficiency and sustainability in business organisations. The basics of artificial intelligence and machine learning, their applications in the world of business and the challenges linked to their practical implementation.

Learning Outcomes

Implement developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning to apply in the world of business.

This subject forms part of the Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing, Follow the link for further information..

Lecturer Position

Manel Guerris

Director at NEO Consulting BCN


Industrial engineer (ETSEIB-UPC)
MBA (IESE Universidad de Navarra)
Master’s degree in Economics and Business Research (IQS–Universitat Ramon Llull)


Manel Guerris has extensive experience in technology, service and entrepreneurial companies in the technology and e-health industry. He is currently doing a PhD in the area of big data applied to management in general and sentiment analysis in particular.

He is a business consultant in the areas of internationalisation, strategy, marketing, logistics and improving operations, and a training consultant and educator in the areas in internationalisation, business plan, strategy, logistics, strategic marketing, data science and big data applied to business.