Biostatistics and Data Analysis

Asignatura del Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics

Información académica




Type of subject: Core


Preliminaries on probability and biostatistics using real bioinformatics data. Starting from a bioinformatics research question, the course explores how to design a scientific study and how to get meaningful data. Basic probability concepts, and first principles on estimation and hypothesis testing are covered. R programming language is introduced to explore and visualise data and do basic statistical analysis.

This subject forms part of the Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics, Follow the link for further information..

Lecturer Position

Hafid Laayouni

Head of Studies


Master’s Degree in Genetics
PhD in Biological Sciences (UAB)


Hafid Laayouni is a lecturer and Head of Studies for the BDBI. His research lines focus on genomics, evolutionary biology and human health, and his teaching centres on bioinformatics and statistics applied to the life sciences. He is also associate professor at CEXS-UPF and visiting professor for the Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) in Madrid. He has published some 50 peer-reviewed papers on human evolutionary history, recombination analysis, network analysis and genetic epidemiology.

Publications available at

Antonio Monleon



PhD in Biology


Antonio Monleon Getino has been associate professor in the Statistics Section at the Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics at the Universitat de Barcelona since 1998. He leads the BIOST3 research group and is director of the expert university course “Data Science Application in Biology and Medicine with Python and R”. His research focuses on the development of biostatic methods, data science and bioinformatics, and he is thesis director for four doctoral theses on these topics. He works with public entities and private companies, as well as on various competitive Spanish and European projects.