Board of Overseers ESCI-UPF

ESCI-UPF is a public institution in the form of a consortium headed by a board of overseers.

It was set up by the Catalan Government and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, together with other organisations that shared ESCI-UPF’s philosophy and goals, including the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, the Catalan Chambers of Commerce and PIMEC. All these institutions have a seat on the board of overseers.

The board meets twice a year to set out the general lines of action for running the school, as well as to ratify grants and scholarships.

As a public educational institution, ESCI-UPF receives no additional financial support or subsidies; its courses are funded entirely through students’ tuition fees.

{[{ profesor.nombre }]} {[{ profesor.apellidos }]}

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