EUKIT Teaching
Teaching activities lie at the heart of EUKIT’s objectives. Launched for the 2020/2021 academic year, EUKIT has designed two elective courses that help complement and extend the GNMI academic programme into the field of EU Studies and International Trade.
These two interlinked courses are set to become the flagship of the EUKIT project.
They are conceived as a polyphonic group endeavour in which experts in different areas will be invited to share their knowledge and expertise by the teacher in charge and the person responsible for the module.
Furthermore, both courses embrace new, innovative online and offline teaching methodologies and aspire to become a valuable institutional learning space at ESCI-UPF.
The EU trade policy in a time of changes
Profesor: Albert Carreras, Joan Pere Plaza and Ramon Xifré
Year: 3º / 4º
Quarter: 1º
Language: inglés
The EU's Common Trade Policy is an inseparable element of the process of European integration in both economic and political terms. Many aspects explain this centrality: it is one of the EU's few exclusive competences; the success of the Single Market and its potential both to attract trade partners and to generate surpluses and income that can be converted into FDI in third countries; and, of course, the absence of a common foreign policy. These are just some of the factors. The EU has used its CTP as an policy instrument to establish itself as an actor on the international stage and be recognised as such. Proof of this are numerous: the EU has been a full member of the World Trade Organisation since 1 January 1995, for example. Moreover, the EU has been combining this multilateral approach to trade with a more and more dense of bilateral trade agreements (Korea, Chile, Pakistan, the Philippines, to mention just a few). This subject seeks to teach second-cycle students about all these debates.
Trends in global trade governance
Profesor: Albert Carreras, Joan Pere Plaza and Ramon Xifré
Year: 3º / 4º
Quarter: 2º
Language: inglés
La crisis financiera de 2008 y la pandemia de Covid-19 han modificado sustancialmente los flujos del comercio global. En estos momentos de turbulencia, los principales actores (los EEUU, la UE y China) están recurriendo distintas estrategias para no quedar atrás en la gobernanza de esta arena de las relaciones internacionales.
Adquirir las bases empíricas y conceptuales para entender y poder analizar el entorno cambiante de la gobernanza del comercio internacional, para poder así evaluar la coyuntura que ofrecen los distintos mercados internacionales para el sector de la importación /exportación.