Free Mover Students

If you are interested in attending ESCI-UPF as a free mover, you would be required to pay a set of tuition fees.

Tuition Fees 2024-2025 (in Spanish)

To be accepted as a free mover, you should email us the following documents so that we can process your application.

  • CV
  • Official academic transcript
  • Covering letter

If your application is approved by the academic coordinator of the programme, we will contact you with the key term deadlines and set out the steps you should take to choose your subjects.



Controller: : ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE COMERÇ INTERNACIONAL (ESCI-UPF); Purpose: Purpose 1: To respond to the interested party’s requests. Purpose 2: To send marketing messages; Lawful basis: The lawful basis for processing the interested party’s personal data in the case of Purpose 1 is the controller’s legitimate interest; in the case of Purpose 2, it is the need to obtain the interested party’s consent; Shared with:: Personal data is not shared with any third parties; Rights: The interested party has the right to access their personal data and to ask that their personal data be corrected or erased, among other rights set out in the supplementary information; Additional information: More detailed information on personal data protection is available on our website: