Psychological Support Service
The Fundación Salud y Persona’s free telephone helpline offers psychological advice to all members of the ESCI-UPF community and their direct family, 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. Callers may make as many calls and enquires as they like and talk for as long as necessary.
This service offers psychological support, advice and guidance to anyone experiencing a personal or family crisis, depression, anxiety, harassment, mobbing, bullying, grief, health problems, eating disorders, additions, substance abuse or any other similar issue.
In addition, the members of the university community can also get information on the social resources available in Spain related to matters such as violence against women, family planning, grants and loans, drug addiction and schools, among others. Further information is available on any other social or healthcare issue and callers may ask to be emailed application forms for social or economic resources.