Academic management

Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics tuition fees
Bachelor’s Degree in International Business and Marketing tuition fees
Academic progression (5th extraordinary exam attempt)


  • During the 15 days after the definitive publication of scores.


  • The rector, on advice from Social Council, will deal with all matters concerning academic progression and decide whether or not students may continue their course at the university.
  • Academic Management will respond via email, and once they have the original resolutions, they will inform the student again.


  • You should present the request for an extraordinary exam attempt and the request to continue your course, together with documents justifying your reasons, within 15 days after the definitive publication of scores.
  • Unenrolled students with a pending request for a fifth examination session can only enrol in a subject once their request has been resolved. The fact of not having passed an elective subject in the four examination sessions does not in itself exhaust the permanence regime and, therefore, does not require having requested a fifth examination session. These subjects can only be abandoned if the student can obtain the minimum number of credits provided in the study plan.


Necessary documentation

Academic progression credit load


  • During the 15 days after the definitive publication of scores.


  • The rector, on advice from Social Council, will deal with all matters concerning academic progression and decide whether or not students may continue their course at the university.
  • Through SIGMA application request


  • You should present an extension request and documents justifying your reasons within 15 days after the definitive publication of scores.
  • You will have to pay the government-set fees for extending your enrolment stipulated by the decree on prices for academic services.


  • Authorisation to extend your course only gives you the right to enrol on subjects from subsequent terms.
  • You will find more details in the regulations on minimum course requirements and academic progression.

Necessary documentation

Accrediting your command of a third language


  • Before the end of your degree.


According to Decree Law 22/2021, of 5 October, it is no longer mandatory for students who started their undergraduate studies in the 2018-2019 academic year and onwards, to accredit a B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference in English, German, French, or Italian as a requirement for graduation. However, this decree-law mentions the need for undergraduate students to achieve sufficient knowledge and skills in at least one foreign language.

ESCI-UPF believes that foreign language training for our undergraduate students is essential. Therefore, not only does it want to promote this training, but also recognise the efforts of students who, in recent years, have developed linguistic skills and knowledge and have accredited, at least, the B2 level in one of these languages, following the guidelines relating to the accreditation requirement of the previous Law 1/2018. Thus, we believe it is important for students to include their accreditation in their records.

Furthermore, ESCI-UPF will continue to ensure that undergraduate students can acquire knowledge in a third language. In this regard, it will work to incorporate measures into the curricula that encourage foreign language training for its graduates and promote linguistic education for all students.

ESCI-UPF will provide a Language and Culture Knowledge Test (PCCL) in English for all students to accredit or improve their English language skills.

Documents required

Assessment Board


  • Up to 15 days before the date of the final exam.



  • You should be taking the 4th or 5th attempt.
  • The assessment system set by the board should correspond to the system set for the subject.
  • You should present an argued request to the director requesting the Assessment Board.

Necessary documentation

Cancelling enrolment


  • 30 November.



  • Students who cancel their enrolment will get back 65% of their tuition fees. Students must have paid at least 35% of their tuition fees before they can cancel.
  • Students who claimed any discount when they enrolled or who enrolled with a grant or scholarship will have to pay their tuition fees in full (without any discount) before ESCI-UPF can let them cancel their enrolment.
  • As far as the university’s study load requirements, students who have cancelled their enrolment will be considered not to have enrolled in the first place.

Necessary documentation

Changing class and/or seminar


  • To change group: within the first six teaching days of the academic term.
  • To change seminar: within four teaching days following publication of seminar allocations.

Extraordinary deadline

  • To change group: within the first 15 teaching days of the academic term.
  • To change seminar: within 10 teaching days following publication of seminar allocations.



  • Only applicable to students with justified academic reasons accredited by their tutor or for justified work and/or internship reasons, or because two or more ESCI-UPF subjects clash.
  • Only for classes with places available.
  • The extraordinary deadline will only apply to students with unforeseen, justified work reasons and/or an internship and the approval of the head of the Internship subject.

Necessary documentation

Changing enrolled elective subjects


  • Before the start of the term in question. Extraordinary deadline: in exceptional unforeseen circumstances, up to six teaching days after the beginning of the academic term.



  • Cancellation or change of enrolled elective subjects is not allowed.
  • Exceptionally, you may request to change an enrolled elective subject for justified academic reasons accredited by your tutor or for justified work and/or internship reasons. The academic regulation will be applied very restrictively, so the reasons must be justified
  • This only applies to subjects whose programme remains unchanged and has places available.
  • In case of a positive resolution, you will be charged the price stipulated in the Price Decree: BIBM and BDBI (Spanish version).


  • Changes in elective subjects may include subjects from terms that haven’t started. Only applicable to the 1st and 2nd terms.
  • If you change subjects, you should bear in mind the maximum number of enrolled credits set out in Article 4.4 of the Bachelor’s Degree Teaching Regulations and the kind of subject in question.

Necessary documentation

Changing failed elective subjects


  • Pre-enrolment or before the enrolment.




  • Changes in elective subjects may include subjects from terms that haven’t started. Only applicable to the 1st and 2nd terms.
  • If you change subjects, you should bear in mind the maximum number of enrolled credits set out in Article 4.4 of the Bachelor’s Degree Teaching Regulations and the kind of subject in question.

Necessary documentation

Credit transfer (only for degree students)


  • From the start of the academic year until 31 May.



  • Transferred subjects will appear in your academic record together with the scores from your previous courses.
  • Having your academic credits from a degree course recognised means transferring your accumulated credits.


  • You should pay the government-set fees for academic services. See the formalities calendar.
  • You may only transfer completed subjects.

Necessary documentation

Enrolling after the deadline (except initial enrolment)
Enrolling for extra subjects


  • 2nd term: up to two days after the final closing of the academic records
  • 3rd term: up to two days after the final closing of the academic records



  • You can only enrol for extra subjects from the current or subsequent terms. Only applicable in the 2nd and 3rd terms.
  • In case of a positive resolution, you will be charged the price stipulated in the Price Decree: BIBM and BDBI (Spanish version) (except if you have participated in a mobility programme and include the extension in the deadlines for enrolling in your study agreement).


  • You should check your academic record.
  • Students who fail to pay for any extra enrolled subjects will be unable to continue the course, check their scores, transfer their academic records, apply for academic certificates or be awarded their degree.
  • If you want to add extra elective subjects, remember that you must have obtained prior authorisation depending on availability or indicate 2 or 3 options in order of preference. Consider the profile to which each subject corresponds. Remember the maximum number of enrolled credits set out in Article 4.4 of the Bachelor’s Degree Teaching Regulations.

Necessary documentation

Exam and score appeals


  • Within five calendar days from the date of publication of definitive results.


  • The board will rule on all exam remark requests within seven calendar days counting from the end of the previous period, and its resolution will exhaust the administrative route.

  • Through SIGMA application request


  • This ruling will be final.
  • You can only made an appeal if you first requested a remark.
  • You should present a clearly argued request to the director requesting a second remark by writing to Academic Management.

Necessary documentation

Minimum course requirements: academic progression


  • During the 15 days after the definitive publication of scores


  • The rector, on advice from Social Council, will deal with all matters concerning academic progression and the minimum course requirements for students to continue studying at the university.
  • Through SIGMA application request


  • You will find more details in the regulations on minimum course requirements and academic progression.
  • Authorisation to extend your course gives you the right to enrol on subjects from subsequent terms only.

Necessary documentation

New students who want to change language at the start of the academic year


  • Within the first six teaching days of the academic year.



  • Changing language at the start of the year does not use up any exam attempts for this subject.

Necessary documentation

Opting out of assessment (before exams)


  • The last teaching day in the term in question.



  • Automatically granted if you opt out of assessment within the deadline.
  • You can only request it due to unforeseen and force majeure circumstances that have prevented you from attending the exam.
  • The cause must be justified and supported by documentary evidence.

Necessary documentation

Opting out of assessment (after exams)


  • During the 7 days after the date of the exam.



  • You should justify why you did not take the exam.
  • The only acceptable justifications are unforeseen circumstances and force majeure that made it impossible for you to take the exam.
  • You must present documentation justifying why you did not take the exam.


  • You may appeal to the director against the decision taken by the head of studies within 5 days of receiving the notification.

Necessary documentation

Recognising academic credits from a degree course


  • From the start of the academic year until 31 May.



  • The recognised subjects will appear on your academic record with your scores from your previous courses.
  • Having your academic credits from a degree course recognised means transferring your accumulated credits.


  • For the transfer of credits, paying the public price set annually by the Decree of Public Prices for Academic Services is necessary. Please review the fee table for the Degree in Bioinformatics and the Degree in International Business and Marketing.

  • The subject for recognition or transfer must be completed.

  • The studies for which the transfer is requested should not have led to the award of an official degree, and you should not be simultaneously enrolled in two or more official programmes.

Recognition of RAC credits for extracurricular university activities (except languages)


  • From the start of the academic year until 31 May.



  • You should have carried out the activity during your current time at ESCI-UPF.


  • Read the regulations on recognising extracurricular credits.
  • You may ask to have credits recognised at any time during your degree once you have completed the activity.
  • You may include up to six elective credits on your academic record.
  • You will have to pay the corresponding fee set by ESCI-UPF. See the Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics and the Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing tuition fees table (Spanish version).

Necessary documentation

  • You must attach the certificate from UPF or ESCI-UPF, confirming that you have carried out the activity and the corresponding credit equivalence. When recognising a student representation activity, you must submit the attendance certification and the activity report-memorandum, which you should request from your tutor.
  • SIGMA application request
Recognition of RAC credits for languages learning


  • From the start of the academic year until 31 May.


  • You should have carried out the activity during your current time at ESCI-UPF.
  • Degree students at UPF can apply for recognition of up to 6 ECTS credits for attaining a language certificate or passing a language course during the academic period they are enrolled on an official UPF degree. To request recognition of RAC credits (Spanish version), students must complete the application form below and take it to the Student Information Desk (PIE).


  • Read the regulations for academic recognition in credits for language learning.
  • You may ask to have credits recognised at any time during your degree once you have completed the activity.
  • You may include up to six elective credits on your academic record.
  • You will have to pay the corresponding fee set by ESCI-UPF. See the Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics and the Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing tuition fees table (Spanish version).

Necessary documentation

  • It is necessary to present a language certificate or evidence of having successfully completed a language course.
  • SIGMA application request
Remarking exams


  • Two days after the publication of the qualifications.



  • To ensure the lecturer has the exam in question to remark, you should email the lecturer, with a copy to the course coordinator. If you do not send this email at least two hours before the arranged time, the exam remark cannot be guaranteed.
  • If a score is changed, you can check your academic record on Sigma.
Remarking exams and appealing against scores


  • Within five calendar days from the date of publication of definitive results



  • This ruling will be final
  • You should present a clearly argued request to the director requesting a second remark by writing to Academic Management

Necessary documentation

Request to transfer to another university


  • Throughout the academic year.


  • You should be up to date with all fees paid to the university.
  • You should already have an offer of a place at another university.
  • If you need the syllabus for the subjects you have passed, you should send an email to apply.
  • The fees for issuing degree certificates are set annually by the Catalan Government. See the Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics and the Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing tuition fees table (Spanish version).

Certain people are entitled to discounts on government-set fees. All accrediting documentation should be valid at the time the request is made.

  • General large-family card (1st) holders are entitled to 50% off the set fee.
  • Special large-family card (2nd or honorary) holders are entitled to 100% off the set fee.
  • Disability card holders (33% or higher) are entitled to 100% off the set fee.
  • Victims of terrorist acts are entitled to 100% off the set fee.
  • Victims of gender-based violence are entitled to 100% off the set fee.


  • Payments should be made to the following account:
    La Caixa IBAN ES79 2100 3000 13 2201730282

Necessary documentation

  • Letter of acceptance from another university or the University Admissions Service.
  • Proof of payment of the academic record transfer fee.
  • If applicable, original and photocopy of the valid document entitling the holder to a discount.
  • SIGMA application request.
Request to transfer due to simultaneous studies at another university


  • Throughout the academic year


  • It is necessary to be up to date with any payment or fee to the university.
  • You must already be admitted to another university, with the condition of simultaneity, and provide the documentation proving it.
  • If you need the teaching plan for the subjects you have passed, please send an email to ask for it.
  • The fee for issuing certifications is set annually in the Decree of Prices of the Generalitat de Catalunya; consult the fee table for the Degree in Bioinformatics and the Degree in International Business and Marketing.

Certain personal situations allow discounts on the official public prices of secretariat fees. The document proving this circumstance must be valid when applying.

  • The general large family card (1st) gives you the right to a 50% discount on the assigned fee price.
  • The special large family card (2nd or honour) gives you the right to free-of-charge for the assigned fee price.
  • A minimum disability certificate of 33% gives you the right to free-of-charge for the assigned fee price.
  • The resolution that certifies the status of a victim of terrorist acts gives you the right to free-of-charge for the assigned fee price.
  • The resolution that certifies the status of a victim of gender violence gives you the right to free-of-charge for the assigned fee price.


You must make the deposit to the following bank account: La Caixa IBAN ES79 2100 3000 13 2201730282


  • Admission letter for simultaneous studies from the other centre or university.
  • Proof of payment for the transfer fee.
  • If applicable, original and photocopy of the valid document proving the discount or free-of-charge assumption.
  • SIGMA application for procedures
Requesting a degree certificate


  • Throughout the academic year.


  • Before beginning the process for requesting a degree certificate, you should check on Sigma that all your personal details (name and surname/s, nationality, passport or ID number, date, place and country of birth) are correct and correspond exactly to how they appear on your passport or ID card. If this is not the case, you should contact the Secretary’s Office to amend them. You are solely responsible for ensuring that your personal details appear correctly on your degree certificate. You alone shall be liable for any expenses arising from any later changes that have to be made.
  • Your academic record status should be “Complete awaiting degree certificate”. If this is not the case, check that you have completed the necessary number of credits and contact the Secretary’s Office.
  • You should have completed the necessary number of credits for the degree in question.
  • You should be up to date with all payments of fees to the university.


  • Degree certificate-issuing fees are set annually by the Catalan Government. See the Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics and the Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing tuition fees table (Spanish version).

Certain people are entitled to discounts on government-set fees. All accrediting documentation should be valid at the time the request is made.

  • General large-family card (1st) holders are entitled to 50% off the set fee.
  • Special large-family card (2nd or honorary) holders are entitled to 100% off the set fee.
  • Disability card holders (33% or higher) are entitled to 100% off the set fee.
  • Victims of terrorist acts are entitled to 100% off the set fee.
  • Victims of gender-based violence are entitled to 100% off the set fee.

Necessary documentation

You should send the following documents to Academic Management:

  • Duly competed degree certificate form (must have the same date as proof of payment of certificate-issuing fees (spanish version).
  • A copy of your passport or ID card valid on the date of the application.
  • If applicable, original and photocopy of the valid document entitling the holder to a discount.
  • Proof of payment of certificate-issuing fees.
  • Bank account: La Caixa IBAN ES79 2100 3000 13 2201730282
  • Through SIGMA application request
Requesting an Academic certificate


You can request your electronic personal academic transcript (e-CAP) through the following link.

  • The transcript will be issued in three languages (Catalan, Spanish and English) in a single document. 
  • The electronic personal academic transcript will be instantly available.
  •  You can consult and download the e-CAP by returning to the same application as often as you wish.


In accordance with the provisions of the Decree establishing the prices of academic services in the public universities of Catalonia, the fee for issuing this electronic transcript in three languages is €27.27*.


  • General category large family: €13.63.
  • Special category large family: there is no charge (free). 
  • For students with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%: there is no charge (free). 
  • For students who are the victim of gender violence (dependent child[ren]), there is no charge (free).
  • For students who are the victim of acts of terrorism (spouse, dependent child[ren]): there is no charge (free).


Throughout the academic year.


To submit the application, you must be up to date on the payment of any fees or charges to the university.

Request for Other Certificates


You must submit your application through the Sigma Procedures module specifying the situation you wish to certify and the desired language (Catalan, Spanish, or English; by default, certificates are issued in Catalan), and attach the corresponding bank receipt.
Within a maximum of one week, you will receive a notification from SIGMA informing you that your certificate, electronically signed, is available in the documentation section of the procedure.


The price for the issue of this certificate is 15€*. Payment can be made via a direct bank transfer to the following account: La Caixa IBAN ES79 2100 3000 13 2201730282
*No discounts are available for this amount.


Throughout the academic year.


To submit the application, you must be up to date on the payment of any fees or charges to the university.

Standard enrolment for repeating 1st-year students and 2nd-year students
Standard enrolment for 3rd- and 4th-year students
Students who want to change language at the end of the year after passing all their first-year credits


  • 20 July



  • You will take the new language in the first round.

Necessary documentation

Students who want to change language at the end of the year without passing all their first-year credits


  • 10 September



  • If you passed the language in your first year, you will take the new language in the first round; if you did not pass the language in your first year, you will take it in the cumulative round.
  • Your application should include three preferences (including the possibility of continuing with the same language as a guaranteed option).

Necessary documentation

Submitting your BDFP early


  • Within the first 15 teaching days from the start of the course



  • If you enrol for the BDFP for a second or successive time, you have decided to keep the same project and supervisor, and you can show that your work is at an advanced stage, then with the approval of the head of BDFP, you may request to submit your BDFP early and to present it to the board of examiners in early December.
  • If your request is viewed favourably, you may apply to get back 50% of the tuition fees for this subject.

Necessary documentation