ESCI-UPF students self-enrolment FAQs

Who has to self-enrol?

From your second year onwards, you are required to self-enrol online on SIGMA


  • Third- and fourth-year GNMI students should bear alternative elective subjects in mind.
  • Check subject timetables (including subjects you are still waiting to pass) carefully to make sure that you not have any timetabling clashes, as you will not be able to cancel or change any subjects you have already enrolled on.

At 18.30 pm on 7 June an informative session will be held to explain any new changes, set out the procedures and answer any queries you may have.

When do I have to enrol?

Students will be called up in order of the scores on their academic transcript. Only grades up until the third term will be taken into account (excluding retakes).

Can I change my assigned date and/or timeslot?

No. You can self-enrol at any point from your assigned day and time until 11.59 pm on 26 July.

What happens if I enrol later than my assigned day and time?

Places on elective subjects are limited. The longer you leave it to self-enrol, the greater the risk that the subject you want to take will already be full.

Discounts on the government-regulated component of tuition fees
  • Large-family card: if the card was renewed during the last year, it should be resubmitted before 1 July 2023 for the discount to be granted. 
  • If you are entitled to any other discount on the government-regulated component of tuition fees, you should submit the required documentary proof (original and photocopy) before 1 July 2023. You will only need to do this if your situation has changed or if your previous documents have expired.
Can I enrol if I still have outstanding payments due?

No. If you still have any outstanding payments to make, you cannot self-enrol. To resolve this situation, please contact Administration (Marta Garcia).

Why am I unable to select a discount on the government-regulated component of tuition fees or why does it not appear in my payments?
  • Please make sure you have submitted all the required documents and that all documents are still in force.
  • If you submitted documents after the deadline, please contact Academic Management.
  • If a document has expired, you should first renew it and then submit the new document before the start of term.
  • If you failed to submit a document, continue with the self-enrolment process without selecting a discount, submit the necessary document before the start of term and the discount will be applied on the next instalment to be charged. You will have to pay the first instalment without a discount.
What happens if my promissory note has expired?

Promissory notes have a set expiry date, after which they become invalid. Should this happen, a new one will have to be issued and you will be charged a fee, as set out in the table of fees (GNMI/BIBM or BDBI)

What should I do if I have set up a direct debit and I change my bank account?

If you change your bank account, you must complete a new SEPA Direct Debit mandate and ESCI-UPF Administration before the start of the month when you want the changes to take effect.

What are the regulations governing academic progression and minimum course progress requirements?

Before beginning the self-enrolment process, please read the Universitat Pompeu Fabra Regulations on Academic Progression and Minimum Course Progress Requirements.

  • Minimum course progress requirements at UPF: you must pass 50% of your first-year credits (minimum 30 ECTS) to continue on the programme.
  • Academic progression at UPF:
    • To begin the second year, you must pass at least 50% of your first-year credits.
    • To begin the third and fourth year, you must pass at least 50% of your credits from the previous year, 90% from the year before that and 100% of any previous years.
What happens if I fail to meet the academic progression requirements?

You may submit an argued defence requesting that you be allowed to progress on SIGMA Requests. The deadline is 15 days after the definitive publication of scores. If you have not received an affirmative reply before the start of the enrolment period, you will only be able to enrol on subjects you are still waiting to pass.

Why does a certain subject not appear on the Programme tab?

Most likely because you have not progressed sufficiently in the corresponding year.

Do I have to enrol on all the subjects I am still waiting to pass?

Yes. Before enrolling on any new subjects, you are required to enrol on all core and required subjects you are still waiting to pass.

Can I change group for a subject?

No. If you cannot attend classes for a required subject you are still waiting to pass at the timetabled times, you should request to change group on SIGMA Requests.

What happens if I get a warning that two subjects clash?

If you have a timetabling clash with a required subject that you are still waiting to pass, you should choose a different elective subject that does not clash.

What happens if I am told that a class is full?

You will have to choose a different elective subject.

What subjects do I have to enrol on if I am going on an overseas exchange programme?

You should enrol on all second- and third-term required subjects and you are advised not to enrol on any elective subject until you have read the Learning Agreement and enrolled on it.

How can I correct data that I cannot change?

You should continue with the enrolment process. Once you have completed it, please send a request to correct the data in question to SIGMA Requests.