UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change
The UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change ESCI-UPF is an international centre of excellence in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and a leading source of innovative research on LCA and its application on mitigating climate change.
It was founded in December 2010 by agreement between the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), being ESCI-UPF (Barcelona, Spain) the host institution.
For further information, visit the official website

We explore different ways to increase the sector’s sustainability through life cycle assessment of food throughout its supply chain, application of the principles of the circular economy, both to production and consumption, and the promotion of healthier and less environmentally impactful consumption habits.

Waste Management
We develop methodology and applications for better waste management. We foster an objective assessment of management options, looking for areas of improvement and helping in its communication.

Sustainable construction
In the future, it will be necessary to analyse the applicability of current LCA methods to high-complexity systems, such as Cities. These include more facilities and conceptual differences which should be tackled from a new perspective. They shouldn’t be considered as an addition of construction products and buildings. Instead, cities are a complex concept requiring a more holistic approach.

New materials
We do research by using our expertise for environmental, economic and social evaluation of new materials and technologies developed by the producers and provide them with sustainable development, eco-design and circular economy alternatives. By doing so, we can guide and inform businesses, manufacturers and policymakers about the environmental impacts of new products and technologies developed.
The Chair
To join efforts for research and education with partners across the globe in line with the principles defined by the UNESCO to streamline the life cycle perspective in decision making when dealing with sustainability challenges.
The Chair aspires to change the world for the better, being a national and internationally trusted source of high-impact research, policymaking, and business partnerships on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and circular economy, and their application on mitigating climate change.
- Amplifying UNESCO’s and ESCI-UPF's work and mission: UNESCO and ESCI-UPF comparative advantage, relevance and added-value.
- Applying knowledge to experience: Expertise in ecodesign, LCA, environmental communication and design of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) oriented to products, services and organisations.
- Improving, sharing solutions for a circular economy: Innovation capacity.
- Working globally to fulfill public administration, businesses and society's needs: Convening power and leadership on sustainability.
Controller: ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE COMERÇ INTERNACIONAL (ESCI-UPF); Purpose: Purpose 1: To respond to the interested party’s requests. Purpose 2: To send marketing messages; Lawful basis: The lawful basis for processing the interested party’s personal data in the case of Purpose 1 is the controller’s legitimate interest; in the case of Purpose 2, it is the need to obtain the interested party’s consent; Shared with: Personal data is not shared with any third parties; Rights: The interested party has the right to access their personal data and to ask that their personal data be corrected or erased, among other rights set out in the supplementary information; Additional information: More detailed information on personal data protection is available on our website: https://www.esci.upf.edu/en/privacy-policy-cookies/gdpr-contacts