NetWork ESCI-UPF: The ESCI-UPF job fair
Hour: 14:30 h. - 17:30 h.
Since its beginning, one of the fundamental pillars of ESCI-UPF has been its relationship with the business world. A clear example is the internship program, the flagship of the Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing and a key element in our students' high employment rate.
However, we firmly believe the relationship with companies and students should go beyond the internship program. To foster this connection and facilitate a meeting point between companies and students, the first job fair of ESCI-UPF, NetWork ESCI-UPF, is born.
Are you a student or alumni of ESCI-UPF?
- Get informed and apply for job offers, internship opportunities, and graduate programs of these 18 participating companies:
ACCIÓ | Aspire Software | BB Trends | Crowe Spain | Damm | DANONE | Freixenet | Lidl | Maxichief Europe | Mesoestetic Pharma Group | Mr. Wonderful | Nedgia Grupo Naturgy | Primer Impacto | Quipu | Raventós Codorniu | Sequra | SME Market Connect | THR Tourism Industry Advisors | Tradebe | Urbidermis | Ventós
- Different types of companies will be represented, from startups to multinational enterprises.
- You will find a wide range of sectors that align with the professional opportunities offered by ESCI-UPF: food industry, consulting, communication and marketing, industrial, logistics, retail, fintech, pharma & beauty, and more.
I want to attend
You can register until May 26th
Do not miss the first edition of NetWork ESCI-UPF!
Are you a company?
- Promote different job and internship offers and explain graduate programs to ESCI-UPF students and alumni.
- You will have a stand available for networking with ESCI-UPF students and alumni.
- Space will also be available for group dynamics and speed job dating if desired.