Sustainability Management
Asignatura del Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing
Información académica
Type of subject: Elective
The new paradigm of the Circular Economy. Introduction to the lifecycle perspective as a mechanism for assessing the environmental impact of production systems. Ecodesign and green marketing. Integrated waste management. Analysis of integrated social value.
Learning Outcomes
Ability to distinguish, select and apply the main methodologies for assessing and improving the nature and the environmental communication of goods and services. Judging and assessing the internalisation of sustainability in the business world.
This subject forms part of the Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing, Follow the link for further information..
Silvia Ayuso
Researcher on the MANGO Chair in Corporate Social Responsibility
PhD in Environmental Sciences (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Environmental Technology Engineer (TU Berlin)
Silvia Ayuso Siart is academic director and chief researcher at the MANGO Chair in CSR. She was previously a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Business in Society and the ”la Caixa” Chair in Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance at IESE Business School and an academic collaborator at the UOC. She has also worked as an environmental consultant and environmental management systems auditor (ISO 14001).
Sahar Azarkamand
Researcher on the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change
PhD in Environmental Management (Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch)
PhD in Sustainability (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – UPC)
Master in Environmental Management (Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch)
Sahar Azarkamand has worked in the area of Environmental impact assessment since 2009 and in the area of Sustainability since 2018. She got her second PhD in sustainability in 2021, and her thesis is entitled “Development of a standardised tool to calculate Carbon Footprint in ports”.
She has worked since 2021 on Life Cycle Assessment of Biobased fertilisers at BETA Tech center (UVIC-UCC). Her main research fields are Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Risk Assessment, Green Supply Chain Management and Life Cycle Assessment.